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  • For A Friend - Psychological drama

    1 season

    After a rough day, Maddy takes a break on a bench. She is approached by a cheerful Daniel. At first she doesn’t want to be associated with him, but in the course of time she becomes curious and slowly starts to trust him. But is Daniel trustworthy? What are his reasons to be a friend?


  • Streamer - become a streamer

    click here to see full streamer content - become a streamer

  • Prolix-short drama (Dutch with English subtitles)

    1 video

    Prolix in which the services of a telecom are applied to a customer service of a media store or a hardware store. Just like with a telecom company, when using the services at the counter, you have to be paid per minute and suddenly it is less acceptable.
    Length 24:05
    Talents Nanouk Evers, Delis...